About me

I received my degree in Geophysical Engineering from the School of Engineering and Architecture of the National Polytechnic Institute in 2012. As a thesis work, I compared the response of three geophysical techniques (multichannel analysis of surfaces waves, electrical tomography, and Ground Penetrating Radar) to the presence of a cave. Very interesting results were obtained, which were used to detect cavities and mitigate the geological risk in a locality of Mexico City. For this developments, I received a special mention in my thesis work.

In 2019 I finished my graduate studies in Earth Sciences with orientation in Applied Geophysics during which time, I worked under the supervision of Dr. Luis A. Gallardo and Dr. Carlos Flores with whom I developed the theoretical formulation to incorporate the effect of induced polarization to the electromagnetic signal in the time-domain using electrical permittivity. Also, this thesis work allows me to attend the 5th International Workshop of Induced Polarization held in Newark, New Jersey, the USA, in October 2018.

Currently, my research interests are mainly focused on the mathematical, numerical, and computational part of geophysics, particularly in the finite element for geothermal characterization in which I am pursuing my Ph.D. studies under the guidance of Professor Dr. Pilar Queralt and Dr. Perla Piña-Varas. The main objective is to integrate geophysical and numerical models to develop a fully coupled model of a geothermal reservoir in faulted and volcanic zones within the Iberian Peninsula.


  • PhD in Geophysics (Applied Mathematics), (In progress)

    Universitat de Barcelona , Spain

    • Thesis: Couping geophysical data and thermofluid numerical models for geothermal reservoir characterization.

    Supervisor: Dr. Pilar Queralt

    Supervisor: Dr. Perla Piña-Varas

  • MSc in Earth Science in Applied Geophysics, (2018)

    Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education, (CICESE), México

    • Thesis: Forward modeling of Induced Polarization effect using electric permittivity in electromagnetic data: Theoretical formulation.

    Supervisor: Luis Alonso Gallardo, Ph.D.

    Supervisor: Carlos Flores, Ph.D.

  • BSc. Geophysical Engineering, (2015)

    Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México

    • Thesis: Geophysical, altimetric, and well data integration for prospecting, detection, and characterization of cavities at nor-east of Mexico City.

    Supervisors: David Camargo Guzmán B.Sc.

    Supervisor: Favio Crúz Hernández Ph.D.

Professional Experience

  • Research assistant at Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico.
    • Development of computational inverse scheme for estimating phase velocities from microtremor data in 1D (Matlab version).

  • Professional services at IINEGEO - Freelance, México
    • Development of the preliminary exploration activities for the basic engineering of the project denominated ” Trolebus Elevado” for the Mexico City Government. Electrical surveys for identify sand and silt layers on the subsurface.

  • 2014 2016 Pipeline Geophysicist at EPESA, Especialistas en Petróleo y Energía Mexico
    • Reinterpretation of profiles acquired with Side-Scan Sonar in the area between AYIN-A to V.F.P. in the Campeche Bay Mexico, in order to determine the degree of affectation of the seafloor due to a local fault system.
    • Supervisor of land-exploration geophysical activities for the project denominated Gasoducto Matamoros–Tuxpan (GMT), Tuxpan - Naranjos stretch.
    • Design of horizontal drilling directed (HDD), from the interpretation of resistivity tomographies in areas where the pipeline crossed rivers and/or highways along the route of the Gasodúcto Matamoros–Tuxpan (GMT).
    • Supervisor in ship of the onshore-exploration geophysical activities for the project denominated, Gasoducto Matamoros– Tuxpan (GMT), from Tampico to Veracruz.
    • Planning geophysical exploration and soil mechanics for the design of the distribution system of turbines through hydrants and the cathodic protection system for the New International Airport of Mexico City. Design of the distribution system by means of hydrants, purge valves at high and low points, design of blocking valves, design of hydrants, planning. Preparation of the catalog of concepts and list of materials for the distribution system and branches to hydrants. 2013 2014 Professional services as Freelance, Mexico
    • Project planning of geophysical, environmental and civil engineering. Acquisition processing and data interpretation of geophysical data in techniques related to electrical, seismic and electromagnetic methods for near-surface exploration. 2012 2014 Leader Group at Civil Protection, Mexico
    • Preparation of several engineering geophysical studies to mitigating geological hazards in urban zones, due to unreg- istered cavities in Atizapán de Zaragoza, State of Mexico.


  • 2016 Assistant professor: Geoelectrical Exploration

    National Polytechnic Institute – ESIA Ticoman, Mexico

    • Topics related to earthing systems, groundwater exploration and groundwater well design from Vertical Electrical Soundings interpretation.
  • 2015 Assistant Professor of Geoelectrical exploration.

    National Polytechnic Institute – ESIA Ticoman, Mexico

    • Development and instruction of a six-credit course in geophysical engineering taught to 4th- year undergraduate students, covering key theoretical concepts and field work in geoelectrical exploration.
  • 2011 Academic Support Faculty in Calculus and Differential Equations.

    National Polytechnic Institute – ESIA Ticoman, Mexico.

    • Calculus and differential equations in the undergraduate geophysical engineering degree.

Congress Participation

  • 2020 3th BYMAT Conference: Bringing Young Mathematicians Together. Valencia, Spain.
    • Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields for geophysical exploration.
  • 2019 10th International Supercomputing conference in Mexico (ISUM). Monterrey Nuevo León, México.
  • 2018 Annual meeting of the Union Geofísica Mexicana, RAUGM Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico.
    • Theoretical formulation of 3D electric field with induced polarization effect using dispersive- electric permittivity.
  • 2018 5th international Workshop of Induced Polarization (IWIP). Newark, New Jersey, USA
    • Theoretical formulation of three-dimensional forward modeling of Induced Polarization in inhomogeneous media, in transient electromagnetic soundings.
  • 2017 Reunion Anual Union Geofísica Mexicana (RAUGM). Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico.
    • Forward modeling of Induced polarization effect in heterogeneous media using an airborne electromagnetic source.
  • 2012 Reunion Anual Union Geofísica Mexicana (RAUGM). Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
    • Seismic and geoelectric data integration for the detection and characterization of cavities at the north zone of Mexico Valley.